6 Kids Books that Help Explain Screen-Time Limits

If you are struggling to find books about tech limits for your child, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will find 6 great books that will help you explain screen time limits to your child.

The vast majority of child development professionals agree that limiting screen time is the way to go – and more and more parents are hopping on the limiting-screen-time bandwagon.

Getting children on board with screen limits is a whole other story, though. What preschooler is going to side with you that less Peppa Pig is better than more Peppa Pig? Not a single one.

Fortunately, there is a selection of books available to help parents explain screen time limits.

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6 children’s books that will help them understand limits on screen-time

Explaining tech limits to kids can be a bit tricky – forming healthy habits around screen usage is an intangible concept.

The books on the list below are helpful for not only explaining the concept of screen limits to kids but for sparking conversations about healthy tech habits and how kids can be involved in their own tech health.

Every book on this list presents screen time limits in a positive way, too. So, children aren’t likely to feel judged about their tech usage, nor are they likely to judge others for it.

1. Limit Your Dragon’s Screen Time

Limit Your Dragon’s Screen Time is such a cute book that is geared toward elementary-age children who have access to handheld devices.

The book prompts thoughtful conversation about screen limits and encourages tech-life balance. Through reading this book, kids get a chance to make connections in their own lives and come up with some screen time solutions of their own.

2. Unplugged Ninja: A Children’s Book About Screen Time

Ninja Life Hacks is a fun series of books that promote social-emotional intelligence in kids.

This book in the series focuses on helping kids recognize their emotions as they relate to screen time and the behaviors that screen time draws out of them. Though the book focuses on phone usage, caregivers can adapt the explanations to apply to TV or tablet usage.

3. Beyond the Screen, Lima Beans

Beyond the Screen, Lima Beans is another SEL-promoting read for kids. Like every other book on this list, it doesn’t shame screen time, but simply highlights all the wonderful real-life activities that should be enjoyed, as well.

The illustrations and rhymes are fun and engaging. Even my young toddler paid close attention and engaged with me in some conversation about screen time following the read (however superficial!).

4. Polly and the Screen Time Overload

Polly and the Screen Time Overload is a kid’s book about screen time limits that I haven’t had the pleasure of reading yet – because it hasn’t been released yet! (March 2022)

It looks exciting and promising, though. So, I’ve decided to include it on this list.

Unlike the other books on the list, Polly (the main character) begins the book screen-free and is then gifted a tablet.

So, young readers get to see the great contrast between screen-free and tech-overload, then follow Polly on her journey to better screen time awareness.

5. The Glowing Rectangle: A Children’s Book about Grown Up Screen Time

When explaining tech limits to your child, you may encounter some questions about your own screen usage.

This book offers kids explanations as to why the adults in their lives might spend so much time using screens. It also reassures them that adult tech use doesn’t make the caregiver-child relationship less important.

The Glowing Rectangle is a great book to explain screen time to kids and it encourages self-reflection for the adult reader, as well.

6. Cami and Wyatt Have Too Much Screen Time

Cami and Wyatt Have Too Much Screen Time is likely the most popular book recommended for explaining tech limits to kids.

The message of this book isn’t so much that screen time is bad, but that it contributes to kids missing out on other fun activities when it’s not checked.

This book is great for kids of all ages and delivers the message of a healthy screen-life balance without a shame-y or preachy tone.

There you have it – 6 great books for kids about screen time limits.

Hopefully, these books will help you enforce your family’s tech limits in a gentle and loving way and encourage your child’s understanding.

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